2022 SAFRIG Student Paper Award
The Sociology of Agriculture and Food Research Interest Group (SAFRIG) will present a Student Paper Award at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Requirements for this award include that:
1) the paper focuses on an agrifood topic,
2) the paper is authored by a student or group of students (no faculty co-authors),
3) all authors are members of the Rural Sociological Society,
4) The student winner may have presented the submitted paper the year before OR will present the year of the award;
5) the paper uses the Rural Sociology journal guidelines for style, formatting, and references.
Papers will be particularly competitive if they demonstrate effective use of innovative theories, methods, and/or attention to unique geographic, cultural, and political contexts. Submissions for the Student Paper Award competition can be under initial review at a peer-reviewed journal but cannot be already accepted (in press) or published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Past winners have submitted papers from their thesis and dissertation as well as class papers. Papers will be reviewed by a panel of SAFRIG members. All authors will receive comments from panel members on their paper, which may be helpful for revisions if they choose to submit their paper to a journal. The winner(s) will receive a $150 monetary award, coverage of their conference registration fee, and a certificate.
The award will be presented during the SAFRIG Business Meeting at the 2022 conference in Westminster, Colorado. Questions and submissions as a Word document should be sent to Florence Becot at becot.florence@marshfieldresearch.org. Submission deadline is May 15, 2022.