On September 2015, Brazil was chosen to host the third edition of the International Conference on Agriculture and Food in an Urbanizing Society. After a 3 years period of preparatory activities, organized by a multi-level governance process, the Conference was held from 17th to 21st September 2018 at Porto Alegre, promoted by The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The Conference received 1,021 registrations from 30 different countries, having a broad program that included international panels, symposia, presentation of scientific papers at thematic working groups, reports on experiences by civil society groups, field trips and cultural activities.
In the twilight of 2018, we are pleased to present you the Conference Proceedings!
Besides bringing the information regarding the III edition and the presented papers, the publication also introduce 2 important outcomes elaborated during the conference. It presents a synthesis of the discussions thought the “Letter of Porto Alegre: Contributions to a multiactor agenda on food and agriculture in an urbanizing society”. It also launches firsthand 4 papers developed in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO regarding key themes for the 2030 Agenda that have being addressed during the III AgUrb.
In a complementary way, you can find in our webpage other relevant materials to the 3ª edition such as the full program, speakers presentation, photos and the Conference Final Report.
We hope all these materials may help us all in the construction of a more resilient and sustainable food system.
Enjoy your reading and Happy New Year!