(August - September 2021)

The Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC40) (https://www.isa-agrifood.com/) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) invites early-career researchers from Latin America (or whose studies focus on this region) for an online workshop aiming to produce high-quality articles for publication in international agri-food journals.
The workshop will follow 5 steps:
First, we will receive the applications: short bio (up to 200 words) and abstract (up to 400 words) of a paper proposition focusing on contemporary agri-food issues;
Then, the project team will select 6-8 papers to be carefully revised and commented by three specialists (advisors) in the field;
The authors of the selected papers prepare and send draft versions (in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French) of their full articles (6,000 – 9,000 words) to be commented by the advisors.
Publication strategies will be discussed in an online workshop with the participation of all early-careers and advisors by the end of September.
Finally, participants prepare the final versions (in English) of their articles for submitting to an international agri-food journal.
To support early-career agri-food researchers and provide feedback on their works-in progress (i.e., constructive feedback on draft papers) to move the paper forward for successful publication in international journals.
This is NOT a seminar for the traditional research presentation. Written papers will be circulated to the commentators in advance to the workshop. In the workshop, participants will NOT present the contents of paper or research, but rather, the conversation will be around specific issues/problems/difficulties in finalizing the paper for submission.
Participants (those who present paper drafts):
We welcome applications from RC40 members and people interested in learning more about this interdisciplinary, international, inclusive network.
Early-career agri-food researchers: PhD candidates or researchers within five years since achieving PhD
Priority to those who have not yet managed to publish a paper on high-impact international journals.
Priority to non-native English language students.
Participants are pre-registered and disclose their identity.
Abstracts and draft versions of the papers can be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French. The final version has to be in English.
Allison Loconto – Researcher at the French National Institute for Research on Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). Executive Committee member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme of the One Planet Network (UN Environment). She was president of ISA RC-40 and is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of the Sociology of Agriculture and Food (IJSAF) and Agriculture and Human Values.
Carla Gras – Researcher of the Argentinean National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), based at the Institute of High Social Studies of the National University of San Martin (IDAES-UNSAM). Director of the Center for Socio-territorial Studies, Identities and Environment (CESIA). She is vice-president of the Latin American Rural Sociology Association (Alasru) and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Agrarian Change.
Paulo Niederle – Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. Member of the Public Policy and Rural Development Network in Latin America (Red PP-AL) and the Working Group on Food Security of FAO-Clacso. He is vice-president of the Latin American Rural Sociology Association (Alasru) and member of the editorial boards of the Brazilian Review of Rural Economics and Sociology (RESR) and Mundo Agrário.
Planned schedule:
Aug. 15th: deadline for application (Abstracts and Bios); The project team choose participants; the participants prepare the drafts.
Sept. 17th: deadline for the draft papers (participants submit full-paper-draft); All the participants and senior scholar commentators review the drafts (for 2 weeks)
Sept. 30th: Online workshop via Zoom
To apply:
Please email your abstract and bio to pauloniederle@gmail.com until August 15th.
Please see and distribute this pdf version.
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does anybody know when are going to communicate the results?