Dear RC40 Members,
We are relaying a message from Matthew R. Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Agriculture and Human Values, with a file attachment for your information:
I am very pleased to announce a Special Collection of short essays on COVID-19 in Agriculture and Human Values.
Agriculture, food systems, and human values are at the center of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the leading international, interdisciplinary journal on agriculture and food systems research, Agriculture and Human Values has a key role to play in this unprecedented time.
This collection assembles in-the-moment essays and commentaries from leading scholars, practitioners, and analysts of agriculture and food systems around the world. Our goal is to communicate insights and lessons on the COVID-19 pandemic from accomplished, widely-respected scientists and authors, from as many vantage points and positions in the world as possible, to broader publics and the scholarly communities across the world, in a time-sensitive manner. We are serving as the journal-of-record for these essays, which will be preserved in our pages for posterity. Perhaps more importantly at this time, we are bringing scientific, scholarly research to readers beyond the academy, and we are allowing those outside the academy to have their voice heard in wider circles. Please find attached the complete list of contributors, listed in alphabetical order (corresponding author last name) and titles of the essays in the Special Collection. The list is prefaced by my brief editorial introduction I hope you are as pleased as I am with the quality, breadth, and diversity of contributions to this collection. I think you will find much to inspire your thinking and action. I want to share this with you all prior to publication. I just sent the collection to Springer for processing. Essays will be published online and in print, just as we would do with regular articles. I expect the online articles will be available at the journal’s Springer website for Online First articles in the next few weeks (fingers crossed): All the articles will likely be published in print as a Topical Collection in the next immediate issue of the journal: Volume 37, Issue 3, which will appear in September. Because each is relatively short, all the essays combined will equal approximately 4-5 articles in total page length, so there will be minimal disruption to our publishing queue. I am very pleased to let you know that Springer has agreed to allow all articles in this collection to be freely available, for download and viewing, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, which I understand is without precedent at Springer. Please share this news widely through your networks. And, when the articles are available online, view, download, save, and share widely!
Thank you again for your service to Agriculture and Human Values. Cheers, Matt
-- Matthew R. Sanderson, PhD Editor-in-Chief, Agriculture and Human Values Chair-Elect, American Sociological Association Section on the Sociology of Development Randall C. Hill Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work & Professor of Sociology Ancillary Faculty, Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences | Kansas State University, USA