Volume 21 Issue 1 (2014)
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Special Issue
Editorial Introduction
Global Shocks, Changing Agricultural Policy and the Viability of Rural Communities 1-6
Authors: Hilde Bjørkhaug and Katrina Rønningen
Abstract PDF
Conversion of Family Farms and Resilience in Southland, New Zealand 7-29
Authors: Jérémie Forney and Paul V. Stock
Governing Australia’s Dairy Farm Workforce:
A New Terrain for Negotiating Rural Community Sustainability 31-50
Authors: Michael Santhanam-Martin and Ruth Nettle
Crisis? What Crisis? Marginal Farming, Rural Communities and Climate Robustness:
The Case of Northern Norway 51-69
Authors: Hilde Bjørkhaug and Katrina Rønningen
The Rural under the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union:
Sustainable Rural Development aspects of Pillar II in Finland and Estonia 71-95
Authors: Michael Kull, Olli Voutilainen, Stamatios Christopoulos and Ramon Reimets
Multifunctional Agricultural Policies: Pathways towards Sustainable Rural Development? 97-114
Author: Tanja Mölders
Agricultural Policy in Russia: Global Challenges and the Viability of Rural Communities 115-131
Author: Zemfira I. Kalugina
A Twenty-first Century Socialist Agriculture?
Land Reform, Food Sovereignty and Peasant–State Dynamics in Venezuela 133-154
Author: Daniel Lavelle
Peasant-managed Agricultural Growth in China: Mechanisms of Labour-driven Intensification 155-171
Authors: Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Jingzhong Ye, Huifang Wu and Chunyu Wang
Sustainable Food Security: An Emerging Research and Policy Agenda 173-188
Authors: Roberta Sonnino, Ana Moragues Faus and Albino Maggio

International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Published by Michigan State University
Official publication of the Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC-40)
of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Editors: Raymond Jussaume, Claire Marris and Katerina Psarikidou
Frequency: 3 issues per year
ISSN: 0798-1759