International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Published by Michigan State University
Official publication of the Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC-40)
of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Editors: Raymond Jussaume, Claire Marris and Katerina Psarikidou
Frequency: 3 issues per year
ISSN: 0798-1759
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2019)
Practices of Food Provisioning in Alternative Food Networks:
How Different Practitioners Engage in Different Practices, Depending on Their Emotional Energy. 1-20
Esther J. Veen and Simona D'Amico
Measuring Elderly People's Food Access in Urban Food Environments:
The Potential Benefits of Urban Agriculture 21-41
Yoshifumi Ikejima
Substitution and Food System De-Animalisation: the case of non-dairy milk 42-58
Carol Morris
The incompatibility of nutrition regulation and market-based internal school food 59-78
environments in English-Speaking Canada
Shawna Holmes
Three strategies of capital accumulation in China's agro-food sector:
A technological-political-financial accumulation synergy 79-96
Jin Zhang
Constructing Common Causes: Justifications for and against Organic agriculture in the Finnish media 97-115
Tomi Lehtimäki