Volume 4 (1994)
Global Post-Fordism and Concepts of the State 11-29
Authors: Alessandro Bonanno(a), William H. Friedland(b), Luis Llambi(c), Terry Marsden(d), Manuel Belo Moreira(e) and Robert Schaeffer(f)
Affiliation: (a)Department of Rural Sciology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA; (b)Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA; (c)Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Caracas, Venezuela; (d)School of Geography and Earth Resources, University of Hull, Hull, UK; eInstituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; (f)Department of Environmental Studies, San José State University, San José, CA, USA
Abstract PDF
Following a review of the literature on the State and some of the basic features of global post-Fordism, it is maintained that global post-Fordism can be synthesized through a set of four dialectical relationships: deregulation/re-regulation, fragmentation/coordination, mobility/embeddedness and empowerment/disempowerment. Moreover, it is argued that: 1) the State in global post-Fordism cannot be thought of exclusively in national terms; 2) its re-conceptualization must entail a transnational dimension; 3) the State cannot be conceptualized exclusively in terms of formal public appearances, agents and agencies; and 4) non-public apparatuses, agents and agencies must be included in the analysis.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Published by Michigan State University
Official publication of the Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC-40)
of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Editors: Raymond Jussaume, Claire Marris and Katerina Psarikidou
Frequency: 3 issues per year
ISSN: 0798-1759